Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > dry skin scratch all the time until hair comes out

dry skin scratch all the time until hair comes out

20 11:14:39

what can I get for my Shih Tzus she has very dry skin  

There are several reasons for this problems. It could be an allergic reaction to shampoo, food, or just like us pollen and grass.  Have you tried a dandruff shampoo or oatmeal bath?  Then add fish oil to the food to give the boost of fatty oils to the skin.  If the skin is at all red, blistering or oozing then take the Shih tzu to the vet to rule out any type of staph or bacterial infections also check out this site and see if any of this information helps. I hope that it is something minor and things work out for you.  I would like for you to really follow up if your Shih tzu is scratching to the point that it is having hair loss and pain it sounds like it may need antibiotics.