Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > Shih Tzu with rash/irritation

Shih Tzu with rash/irritation

20 11:13:34

QUESTION: Our 2yo Shih Tzu has redness and irritation on his back end, mostly around his tail (all the way around in a circle) and also around the anal area, I have also noticed that it seems to be down around his testicles now too.  He is chewing/licking at it and whining about it.  It just started a few days ago.  It was time for his monthly flea treatment and thought that it must be that causing the itching so my husband gave him that but it's just gotten worse.  Yesterday the skin was it's usual colors with just some red spots, now the whole area is red.  He is a dog that LOVES to run around outside and he may have just gotten into something.  He also smells kinda funny but maybe that could be from him slobbering all over it?  He's got the hair all matted now and I can't brush it out, I'm going to have to go get him shaved.  I need to know what to put on it to treat it.  The anal area isn't swollen just red and irritated.  I have pics but no way to show it to you.  I'm at a lost and it's doesn't seem to be a critical thing, just bothersome, no bledding or open sores that I see.  I can't take him to the vet until next week as I won't have a vehicle til then.  Any help would be MUCH appreciated!!

Hello Again:  I had you e-mail the photos to my personal account.  I did take a look but could not see all that well from the photo.  If he had magotts, then he MUST have been in distress for a long, long time...
This was much more serious than what you mentioned in your note above.  I would have told you to get to the vet right away if there were ulcerations and maggots.

I am sure this was a yeast infection that was long term and developed major infection over a 30 or more period.
YOUR dog cost you a 400.00 vet bill becuse you did not take care of the problem in the begining.

As for my suggestions, they would have worked if you dog had not be infested and full of infection.

I sure hope you baby is well soon.  Also, you may want to keep him brushed and a shorter coat.  It will help to keep his skin clear of problems.  Also, I am sure you baby is allergic to his food and the environment.  You may want to change his food.

BEST wishes and I hope all is well soon!!!!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: First of all, he had only had the rash for 2 days when we had to rush him to the vet.  It was not a 30 day thing, I'm not a moron and I don't ignore or neglect my dog!  The rash showed up Thursday night as 2 little pink spots, the next day it had spread to the red rash.  The ulcer is only the size of a penny and would be hard to see.  We keep his hair long when the weather is cool because he doesn't like wearing sweaters and normally do keep him brushed but if you are a real vet then I am sure you know that when a dog starts licking or scratching something the hair can get tangled fast and there isn't much you can do about that.  It is the look of a Shih Tzu to have long hair and our choice if we want to have him have the classic look or a summer cut and we always take him in June when it starts getting hot here to get his Summer cut and a trim in the fall.  He has NEVER had an allergic reaction to our house, yard or anything he eats, as I said he has eaten the same 2 foods for nearly TWO YEARS!!!  I resent the fact that you are accusing me of being a neglectful dog owner.  He had not been in distress and had only been scratching/liking at the area for less than 24 hours.  The vet said it was not a yeast infection and that the chlotrimazole and bathing made the condition worse because it was an infection.  If it were yeast then the extreme antibiotics he was injected with, that he is taking orally and that we are having to apply to the entire area would be making it 100x's worse and they are not, they are clearing it up nicely.  DO NOT contact me again or bother responding to this e-mail as I am convinced you are a moron and are experimenting in veterinary medicine.  This site should really check the credentials of someone before allowing them to give medical advice!!  If you e-mail me again I WILL report you for harrassment!

Hello:  Your dog had a chronic infection... Maggots do not happen in 2 days.  It takes some time for this situation to develop.  Now, lets not call people names.  I sure was kind to you and did not do any name calling.  I do wish you the best ...
Also, you can see my credentials when you ask me a question.

We have many experts on this site that can help you.  

***good luck with your doggie.
