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bladder surgery pain in shih tzu ; recipes for Hills rx food alternative;

20 11:11:42

QUESTION: I have a shih tzu that is 7 years old.  He had bladder stone surgery two weeks ago and since the surgery has been having what I would call pain episodes about three times a day.   The vet has had him on tramadol, robaxin, and gabapentin for pain relief.  During the episode he arches his back, pants and shakes and it lasts for about 30 minutes.  A couple of days ago the vet removed the stitches and massaged his belly and he arched his back so he believes the pain is still from surgery.   Is this common and how much longer should it last?  It is very stressful watching him in pain.  Thanks.

ANSWER: Hi Rhonda,  Poor little Shih tzu!  Yes, the pain can last up to 30 days.  It should become less and less over that time.  It's inflammation on the inside of his incision area that is healing.
Plus, swelling from the ureters.
Don't keep him on the strong meds too long or you can have " other " complications from the harsh drugs.

You can try some Natural Options to reduce some of the swelling.

Here is a post on NuVET ( needed by all pets... we have many Kidney DX pets on NuVET) and also info on Turmeric ...

If he continues to exibit pain in another week I would ask for a x-ray.  ( ultrasound would be best but it can get expensive.)

I hope your baby gets better soon.

If you want to do home-cooking.  I have some recipes for pet that have had stones and crystals.  This recipe is an alternative to Hill's RX foods...
YOU would want to pass this by your Vet.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, he has already had the ultrasound and blood tests and everything is normal.  I would like the recipes if you could please send them.  What I don't understand is, I have seen three vets and not one has said that the pain should last that long and have seem puzzled.  That is why we have already done the ultrasound and blood tests which, yes in addition to the $1200.00 surgery has now cost an additional $550.00.  Are we not seeing a very good vet?  Thanks again....

Alternative to Hill's RX dog food or Royal Canin dog food ;  Struvites , stones in Shih tzu;
Please pass any recipe by your Vet for approval.

NEXT - let's get some Cranberry Plus into this kid:  

This is from Revival Animal health - mixed into the dog food each day...

YOU can look in the local pet stores - I believe Sold Gold makes something like this cranberry product. ( or order from the link above)

Recipe:  HERE is my recipe for an 18 pound dog :  Adjust to your dog's weight.
If you don't understand after reading this, e-mail me and I will help you more.
my e-mail:
This diet can be used for any kind of kidney stones or crystals in a shih tzu

HOPE this helps.  I would with 100s of Kidney stone large and small dogs.

Marie Peppers LPN MA