Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > shitzu male maturity age?

shitzu male maturity age?

20 11:14:28

Hi, i have a 9 month shitzu he recently ejaculated in his cage all by himself or at least what looks like it....i wanted to know if this is a sign that he is maturing? is it normal? what does it mean?

A male shih tzu is mature according to AKC to produce offspring at 7 months of age.  If your not going to breed pleas have him neutered to prevent testicular cancer, etc.
If you do plan to breed, you can get a big fuzzy teddy bear toy to keep him occupied, until you find him a mate.  I recommend not breeding until they have matured to at least over 1 year old and have been given a chance to get out of the puppy stages and you can see what they are going to look like and what they will produce for you.  The female should be at least 1 - 2 years old and had 2 heat cycles before breeding.