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In Season question

20 10:27:29

We are new poodle owners and understand the 'heat' cycle, however, just curious whether poodles (and other dogs) experience menopause?  Thank you.
Patt Thompson, Phoenix, AZ

Hello Patt,
Though I have had Std Poodles for many years, I have never had any of the females expirence menopause.  They have however had "female mood swings" that resemble menopause.  I guess that they could expirence the same things as women do because of the reduction of hormones in their bodies.  
This was a question that was asked about Menopause in female dogs on a different site and the answer that was given by a Vet.  

My dog is 9 1/2 years old and has had her period for 22 days now, I know it can last longer that 3 weeks. At what age does the menstrual cycle stop? (Connie Jaworsky - New Jersey)

Females do not go through menopause though sometimes there may be a cessation in heat cycles for a period of time and then they can start back up again. As a female ages, her fertility does drop off but she will not go through menopause as humans do. It is also possible for senior dogs to become pregnant. Dropping off of fertility with age does not mean she cannot become pregnant.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other Poodle questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.

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