Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Poodles/Bumps


20 10:26:06

Hi Kim,

I have a miniature toy poodle. He is about 6 years old. For many years he has had one cyst like bump on his back. Within the last year I have noticed at least five more just like it. Most are on his back (and they do not bother him at all) although he does have two of these spots on both sides of his penis. Almost evenly spaced. Is this anything I should worry about or just bumps?



Hello Angie,
These bumps are just bumps that dogs get as they get older.  I call them age spots.  They are just small tumors and don't cause the dog any pain or any stress.  If they are in an awkward spot, a vet can remove them, but they don't really need to be removed and sometimes if you remove them they just come right back.  

The ones on his penis are the remains of nipples, though they have long since not worked.  Males also have small nipples along their belly just like females do, though they also serve no purpose.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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