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Poodles mating

20 10:41:54

I quess I did not explain in detail enough.......I do want her pregnant, they are from different litters.......I need to know, how to seperate them, if he gets hung up in her again........

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Question -
Hi...My name is Ginger.........Just this morning my 2 Toy Poodles, the male and female got hung up together.........They are both about the same weight and size........My husband and me set for hours trying to calm them down, so they would seperate, we have been told throw cold water on them........That did not work.........She has never had sex before...They are both about the same age.......What , if any thing can we do, if this happens again.........

2. What chances are there that she is pregnant ?

Thanks for your help......
Answer -

I'm not totally an expert in breeding as all my pets are spayed and neutered.  I do know that if they were together the chances are pretty good she is pregnant.  I'd take her to your vet.  If she is in heat it is likely to happen again.  I'd consider getting one or both of them neutered if this worries you.  If they are from the same litter you may want to make sure she isn't pregnant at the vet's to avoid possible birth defects.  I wish I could offer you more really good news.  You take care and good luck


Oh good!!! Well, when they mate, the male's penis has a knot that will keep them joined until he is 'done'.  Are you saying they couldn't seperate and wanted to???  That may be beyond my knowledge base, as my dogs have always come from shelters and have been 'fixed'.  

I am sorry I can't be of more help.
