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My toy poodles has another lump

20 10:40:53

Hi there, I was wondering if you could possibley help.  My toy poodle Gemma has just had her eighth birthday. Since she was a puppy she has been to the vets quite a lot with numerous lumps which she has had removed in the past. The one on her leg has returned. I speak to friends and they tell me to leave it but keep checking which we do as she is getting a lot older now.  I really wouldn't want to put her through all the trauma of the anaeseptic again.  However, what do we do for the best? We love her so much and we want to make sure that she is in our lifes as long as possible and we want her to stay healthy.  I know a lady who has two miniature poodles and they have spots and bumps everywhere and they are both 15 years old and they have never had these removed? Your help would be most appreciated as I just dont know what to do for the best and to be honest I get hysterical myself when I have to leave her at the vets!  Please help!  

Well I would say that if these bumps have been biopsied and are cancer free then I would leave them alone.  It is very typical for poodles to get these lumps.  Most the time they are no problem.  However if they are cancerous or have been in the past then I would probably have it removed.  8 yrs really isnt that old for a toy poodle as they can sometimes live up to 15-22 years old.  I would also ask your vet his oppinion.  If you do opt to leave the bumps alone I would let your groomer know that she has them so that they can be avoided by the blade.