Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > insemination


20 10:19:38

I have a 5 yr old teacup poodle and would like to inseminate a toy female that is 2 1/2 yrs old. I know nothing about this. BayCity, Michigan are Is there someone to help do this?

Hello Fran,
In my past expirences with insemination, I used a dixie cup and a syringe.  You didn't say why you would need to use insemination over natural breeding, because natural breeding tends to be more sucessful than insemination.  If you are able to hand ejaculate the male, then you can catch some sperm in the cup and then transfer it into the females vulva by way of the syringe.  If you aren't able to hand ejaculate the male, then you may have to bring the female in to where he is and get him to mount her, then collect the sperm that way.  If the female is aggressive towards the male, you may need to have someone hold her or use a muzzle so she can't attack him.  Once the sperm is collected, insert it into the female's vulva then hold her back legs up for about 5-10 min, to help the sperm get to where its suppose to go.  Next, put her up in a crate for at least another 10 min so that she doesn't urinate the sperm out.  If you are able to do this again, do it every other day for 3 days.  

Your other option would be to contact your Vet and see if they can help you collect from the male and inseminate the female via an office call.

If you need further assistance with this, please feel free to call me.  I hope this helps you some.  

Thanks for using,