Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Heartbreaking??


20 10:42:34

I have a 9 month old toy, neutered, 6 lb poodle. But I am having a terrible
time trying to housebreak him. I have two questions but will only ask one
right now. We take him outside and he spends the whole time sniffing. He
sniffs everything. Nuts, sticks, rocks, bugs, tries to catch bugs, moths and
lightning bugs. Sniffs everything. But he won't do his business. He use too
and then all of a sudden he started this sniffing. It is like he is too busy to
do his business but as soon as he comes inside he goes to his piddle pad.
He still needs the piddle pads because he has accidents in the house and
doesn't know to tell me he needs to go out. We take him out a lot but
can't predict when he'll have to go.  What can I do with him?


There are several things you might try.  First, if you can keep him to a schedule, it might help some. Take him out at the same times every day.  If he does his business, reward him with a "good boy", pat on the head or a small treat.  If you keep him in the crate when you are gone, he will probably have a strong need to go when you come back. Dogs hardly ever soil their "cave" or sleeping area, so the crate will probably be clean, but as soon as he is out of it, it's wise to get him outside to pee.  Another thing you might do is put a piddle pad OUTSIDE in the area you want him to go for awhile, so he connects the reason he is out with piddling.

I hope this helps a bit.  If you do catch him peeing where he isn't supposed to in the house, a mild negative reinforcement is to spritz him with water from a spray bottle.  He may learn to associate piddling in the house with the nasty spray and quit doing it.

I wish you good luck!!!
