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Poodle Depression??

20 10:20:47


Hi, I have a 7 year-old toy poodle. She is deaf and a couple of days ago she woke up whimpering and she would whimper when we left the house. I'm not sure but I think she might be a little underweight shes been eating normal but she is less active. Whats wrong???

Hello Yessi,
As to her waking up whimpering, sometimes dogs will whine or cry in their dreams and maybe she was just having a strange dream.  
Also, she most likely whimpers when you leave because she misses you and she could have a bit of seperation anexity.  When you leave her, you might try leaving a piece of clothing with her that has your scent on it, such as an old tee shirt you slept in or an old sock.  This way, she has something to cuddle with that smells like you, until you get back.  You might also get her a new toy or two for her to have only when you leave.  Once you get back, put them up until you leave again.  These can be her special toys that she gets when you are away.  You can also sleep with them to get your smell on them so that they become more special to her.  

If you think that she is losing weight from being less active, try giving her something special in her food maybe twice a week.  Maybe some canned food, some salmon (which is great for her skin and coat) or a spoonful of cottage cheese, or mix it up a bit and give her one of those one time and something different the next time.  
Also, when you are home with her, try doing some fun things with her, such as taking her for a nice long walk or playing fetch with her.  You can even teach her to do some tricks for treats, using hand signals for the commands.  Touch your finger and thumb together to mean Speak, or show her your palm for Shake Hands.  Try to make it fun for her and you will find that you both get some enjoyment out of it.  

Give this a try and if you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,