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1st bath for a toy poodle

20 10:20:25

I'm a first time dog owner.  I have a toy poodle that is 12 weeks old today.  We've been together a little over 48 hours.  The breeder has told me not to shampoo/bath the dog until she is six months old to avoid any skin irritations. How can I clean her in the mean time?  She smells like she needs a bath to me, I suppose I'm not quite used to dog smell.  I would like her to smell much fresher if possible.

Thank you so much,

Hello Kelli,
You can bathe her to keep her clean and just use a Puppy or Gentle Shampoo.  Yu can even use human shampoo, but again make it a Childrens shampoo or Gentle formula.  I would put a little water in the tub with the stopper and use a cup to pour the water over her.  Try to avoid her eyes, even though it says "No Tears Formula".  Try not to leave it on her very long so it won't set on the skin very long.  

Also, Sally Beauty Supply (where I get MY Grooming shampoos) sells a product called Proclaim Spray-On Glosser which works great when you are brushing your Poodles coat to help prevent hair breakage.  It smells great and helps keep the coat clean.  Give it a try at,default,pd.html  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,