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Additional info to my last question

20 10:29:19

Blondie (8 mos. toy -7inches), Dame is 6 + yr old Miniature and Sire is 2yr old Toy. Yes, the first litter was planned.  I want to keep Blondie in breedable condition as she shows great potential and has nice blend of the characteristics of Mom and Sire we where after -

side note

Dame is non registered as is Sire but she is getting old and we love her so much we just had to have something of her in our family before she's too old and passes on without passing on her great genetics..I speak mostly of intelligence and personality, but she could have easily been a show girl!

Anyway, the wrench is that Blondie's Brother "Pokey" got a mass dosage of genetics too so we're still on the fence with getting him fixed.  it would solve alot of worries about brother and sister mating..just not sure I wanna close the door for him with other females.  maybe this first heat will make the decision clearer.

We do have a "heat cycle emergency intervention Plan",  Pokey gets to visit his mom and Dad for a few weeks!

which brings me to Dame getting "preggers" on what was believed to be the very last day of heat.  Should I give Blondie an extra 1/2 week before Reuniting with Pokey?  BTW, Dame and Sire are 30mins. away so not a huge us humans anyway!  

Hello again Lisa,
Just to ere on the side of caution, I would give Pokey another 4 days or so at Mom and Dads house to be sure that Blondie is totally out of heat before reuniting them.  
Most females are in breeding heat for about a week or so (with a week before being their bleeding time), but some can go past that 7-8 days of being in breeding heat.  
Sometimes the female will let the male know that "Hey, I am out of season now and if you try and mount me I will take your face off", but sometimes they won't let the male know.
Other times, the male will go to check the female out, and by smell will know that she is out of heat and will be totally uninterested.  

Well, it sounds like you (unlike alot of "breeders" out there) are prepaired and know what you are doing and for that, I say Good For You.  
I hope that everything works out for you the way you are expecting and if you happen to think of any other Poodle questions, just aim them my way.

Take Care and Thanks for using,