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Eats Everything!

20 10:38:26

Well, we have a very naughty poodle. She tends to get into all our 'human food' and one easter she got into all of our kids' candy! We dont know how but she got into the beef jerky, the chocolate, everything! We were so worried and took her to the vet and apparently nothing was wrong with her. This was a LOT of candy (chocolate!and junk food!)Our poodle, Java, still gets into stuff, but off she goes, just dandy so we try hard to not let her get into stuff but she is verry sneaky! My kids know not to give her that stuff cause they know that it could kill her and they are really attatched to her. So can you tell me why my poodle could've ate so much of what might kill another dog? and not have gotten extremely sick? She was found off the streets so Im not really sure about what that may have done.

She was very very lucky.  Chocolate can kill small dogs becuase of the chemicals in it.  Caffine for one will speed up the heart rate of small dogs.  She just may have a higher tollerance than other dogs.  I would count your lucky stars and start puppy proofing the house so that she can not get into anything like that again.  Make sure all chocolate it put up high where she can not get to it.  Watch her like a hawk.  Make sure she is always where you can keep an eye on her and if you are not home I would recomend putting her in a room where she can not get into things or crate training her.