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20 10:41:35

We have a miniature poodle, he is our pride and joy.  The only thing I am concerned about is his diet.  He loves table scraps, but he is specially obssesed with cheese.  My mother in law takes care of him while my wife and I go to work and feeds him some cheese for breakfast.  Is this bad?  If so, is there any dog food that can substitute cheese?  

Likely more dogs are killed with kindness than abuse.  One of the big problems with the small breeds is that it doesn't take too much of anything to be too much.  Very much cheese will not be good for him.  It is high in fat, calcium, and calories.  The fat is not the unsaturated fat dogs need to keep their skin and coat healthy.  It may have lactose, which dogs can't digest.  

Modern dog foods, even the cheap ones, are carefully formulated to provide the complete and balanced diet with everything the dog needs for good health.  I am not sure what all is in cheese.  I do not know of any dog chows that lack fat and calcium.  Too much calcium is bad, because an excess prevents the body from using what it needs.  This is a big problem with large breeds.  Well meaning people give their growing puppies calcium supplements.  The excess calcium prevents the dog from developing the bone structure it needs.  Can't be that good for a little fellow either.

Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest.
You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them.  Each dog is
different.  Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog
must have its food adjusted to its individual needs. See

Dogs need company too.  It is not good to leave them all day if you are gone 9-10 hours with commuting.  Somehow you must convince your mother in law to drastically limit the cheese and other tidbits.  Perhaps your vet will lend his support too.  With a good diet and other care, small dos can last 20 years.