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why my poodle smells

20 10:25:59

I have a male black toy poodle. He is a great dog but he has a bad odor to him I can give him a bath & he smells great but a day or so later it comes back & he looks like he needs another bath. I have a female & there son who is only 13weeks. They do not have this problem. I have cleaned his anal glands & he still does this. What else could it be & how can I fix it??

Hello Victoria,
I know of dogs that get this way, and I am not sure what causes it.  I know there are a few things that you can try that might help take care of the smell.  
One thing you can do is bathe your dog with the same shampoo that we use to remove the skunk smell from a dogs coat.  You use:
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup Hydrogen Peroxide
2 tsp. Baking Soda and
2-3 squirts of your Favorite Dish Soap
(enough that you can lather your dog thoroughly)
Mix it in a squirt bottle (a water bottle that has a squirt top works great) and apply to your dog.  Let it sit for about 2-3 minutes, then rinse.  DO NOT leave it in the bottle with the top shut or it will explode.  
In about a week, shampoo your dog with a clairifying shampoo.  I like to use the Sally's Beauty Supply's brand of Clairifying shampoo.  It works great and is a bit cheaper than the name brands.  The clairifying shampoo strips the oils out of the hair and may take the odor with it.  
Sally's also has a spray-on glosser that keeps the hair shiny, keeps dust down, conditions the hair and smells great.  I use it on my Poodles and it really helps the hair.  A little goes a long way, so as you are brushing your dog, give a spray and brush it through the coat.  Here is the website for the Clairifying Shampoo:,default,pd.html?cgid=Hair01-0...
Here is the website for the Spray-On Glosser:,default,pd.html?cgid=Hair...

Depending on what type of food he is eating, that could make his skin smell; depending on the ingredients of the food.  I have heard of dogs that eat a dog food that consists of salmon or fish having a fishy smell in their coats.  Also, consider any kind of treats the dogs may get on a regular basis.  Even though the other dogs aren't affected by this, your other boy may just react in a different way than them.  

Give this a try and I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions or concerns for me, please feel free to ask.

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