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General poodle temperament

20 10:26:20

I had recently developed a sudden facination for poodles and I am intereste in adopting one but I was interested in some general clarification between the dog breed profiles I have read. In some profiles it says that poodles are very active and, in which, I invision the activity level of a lab. Yet, in others, I read that they are simply sociable and friendly and that standards are the ones with the high energy level. I would have a poodle in an apartment without a yard, but I could easily take the dog for a 30-45 min walk each day and a jog at least twice per week. I would try to allow the dog to visit a dog park visit or large running area at least once a week. It would be an apartment so I was looking at a large mini or a small standard. I have had dogs before but only greyhounds so I never had to take it to the groomers; is the grooming requirements so high that I would need to brush everyday? Would a mini or toy be a good 'beginners' poodle? Thank yo for any informations/ links to good websites for poodle information.

Hello Danielle,
I would say that both people are kind of correct.  Poodles (all varieties) in general tend to be very socialiable, friendly, and sometimes energic.  They are super intelligent and make great Obedience, Agility or Sport dogs; yet they can also make great Therapy dogs and companions for children and the elderly.  Poodles (especially the Standard and Miniature varieties) tend to adapt themselves to their owners lifestyle, so if you are active and always ready to go, then so will be your Poodle and if you tend to have a more sadate lifestyle, then your Poodle will be more of a couch potato.  
If you know what you are looking for, let it be known to the breeders that you talk to what you are looking for.  When you find a dog that you are interested in, see if you can go and meet the parents and puppies from past litters if they have any.  This will give you an idea of what the temperment of the puppy you might get will be.  

The grooming requirements for a Poodle are just basic brushing twice a week (depending on how long you keep the coat) and keeping the toenails clipped and the ears cleaned (which can be done by your Groomer), every 6-8 weeks or so.

This is the website for the Wonderful World of Poodles:
This is the website for the Poodle Club of America:
The American Kennel Club:
If you want to find breeders in your area, go to your favorite search engine and type in: Standard(or Miniature) Poodle Breeders in (your area).
You can also try at: and
Give this a try and if you would like other suggestions about Poodles or have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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