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Poodle Lump

20 10:24:19

Hi Kim,

I may have written to you before about my Poodle. He's a miniature and is about 9 years old. Recently I have been finding "bumps" on his body. I was told that they were nothing to worry about. The other day I found a "lump" on his hind area. It kind of feels like it's under the skin and is movable. It doesn't seem to hurt but when I touch it my dog just kind of stops in his tracks. He knows it's there. Any ideas? I'm scared to death this may be cancer becaise of the other "bumps" he has on him. There appears to be no color change of the skin though.

Hello Angie,
Actually, these are harmless bumps that most poodles tend to get when they get older.  There are several kinds of these bumps; round bumps visible on top of the skin, bumpy cluster bumps (outside of the skin), smooth under the skin fluid filled lumps and hard under the skin lumps.  Most of these bumps are benign and won't bother the dog, depending on the position of the lump.  
Bumps that bleed or get larger in size would be cause for a trip to the Vet just to rule out anything more severe.  

If you notice that any developing lumps are painful or red looking, this could indicate an infection or a pus pocket and would need to be looked at by your Vet.  

Keep an eye on the spots, and though you are good dog parents, don't worry about your dog.  He sounds like he is still healthy for a 9 yr old dog.  

Thanks for using and if you have other questions, please ask me.