Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > HAIR COLOR CHANGE


20 10:30:16

I have a white miniature poodle who is about 8 years old. Just in the last year or two where ever she licks herself her hair is changing to a deep apricot color? What could be causing this.  Also, she seems to be licking herself constantly.

Hello Nita,
The coat color change is due to the dogs saliva mixing with chemicals in the dogs hair, which causes the hair to turn a reddish/brown color.  It is an actual staining, and is hard to get out.  It is the same stain as when a Poodle's eyes run and stain the face with "tear stains".  

There could be a number of reasons that your dog is licking herself.  It could be a nervous habit or bordom, it could be caused by itching on the skin, or it could be due to allergies.  
You might try giving your dog a 1/2 of a benedryl tablet to see if this helps keep her from licking.  

You can also buy a Blue shampoo for White dogs that will help take the red color out.  It won't totally remove the stain, as its an actual stain, but it will help.  
Most pet stores will have shampoo for white or light colored dogs.  
There is also a product called Diamond Eyes or Show Eyes that will help get the discoloration out of the coat.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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