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satin balls

20 10:29:44

Hi I hope you can help, I have read the satin balls recipe and would like to try my min. poodle on these to help her gain some weight.  The problem I am having is finding Total Cereal, as I am from the UK can you recommend an alternative, or what Total Cereal is.  
Thanks Denise.

Hello Denise,
Total is a type of bran cereal that has 100% of a persons daily supply of Vitamins and Minerals in it.  It is also a good source of fiber.  Here is a better discription of it.

Total is a breakfast cereal made by General Mills for the North American market (except Canada). It consists of whole grain wheat flakes. It supplies 100% of the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) recommended daily allowance for each of the following different vitamins and dietary minerals: vitamin C, calcium, iron, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid and zinc.

If you are able to get Special K, it is comparable to Total.

You might also try this recipe for your dog.  It is great for skin and coat, and it is healthy and has Vitamins and Nutrients that are good for dogs.  

1 lb Lamb or Turkey Burger
1 can Sardines in Olive Oil
1 cup Spinach, blended with the Oil of the Sardines
1 egg scrambled
1 Apple Blended (or you can use 1/2 cup of Applesauce)
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
1/2 cup brown rice, cooked using broth (either a meat or Veggie variety) for better flavor
1/2 cup Cottage Cheese (optional)
1 grated carrot (optional)

Mix these ingredients together and add to your dogs regular dry food.   She will most likely love it and think she is getting a treat.  
This mixture should last you about a week in a sealed container.
Start off by mixing it in her food slowly to give her system a chance to get used to the food.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Heres wishing you and yours a Happy Howliday, and Thanks for using,