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Poodles on the Farm?

20 10:22:43

Hello Kim,
I really want a dog, but my husband has allergies so I think that a poodle would be a great choice. We are currently looking to buy a home with at least five acres and would like to have farm animals like horses, goats and chickens. My husband is concerned that since poodles were originally bred as hunting dogs they would be inclined to chase and kill the chickens. Do you know anything about this, or how a poodle would fair in a farm-like setting in general?
I'd appreciate any advice you have. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question!

Hello Lindsay,
If you get your Poodle at a young age and socailize and train it; so that it knows what is allowed and what isnt, then your dog should do great on the farm setting.  You need to let him/her know that you are boss and then show them that they can be around the other animals without chasing them or hurting them.  When your pup would show interest in chasing the animals you would give a quick pop on the leash and tell them NO! in a firm voice.  

You might start your puppy in an Obedience class so that it will learn some manners, and you will know how to handle her when she is outside around the animals.  

If I can train 4 Std Poodles how to get along with the cat in my house, then you can train one Poodle to ignore the chickens rather than eat them.  

I hope this helps you some and if you would like suggestions on training, or just have other Poodle questions, please feel free to ask.

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