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tea-cup poodle: ears bleeding after shaved

20 10:34:48

I just brought my dog to the groomers on Saturday. They stated he was too matted to get a hair cut, so they had to shave him down to the skin. They made me sign a release that he might get sore ears because of this. That his ears might be tingly and hurt. And my dog might shake his head a lot, in which may cause his ears to bleed or get swollen from the blood vessels. Is this normal? This has never happened before, and we have shaved him down to the skin once before also. When will he stop shaking his head/ears? They are really bothering him right now. Today is the second day after the haircut. Should I bring him to the vet? I feel terrible. How many weeks should I groom my poodle's hair and nails? And, I don't think my groomers express his anal glands, should I make sure they do this?


Hi Amy,
It sounds like he was very matted.  That is not good, plese try to get him in to the groomers every 8 weeks at the least to stop this from happening.  It is VERY painful for your dog and groomers hate to do them because they know they are hurting the dog but at that point it's the only thing that can be done.   Your dog is shaking his head because he is still hurting and rightly so.  They are 100% correct and seems to me that they have done everything right.  I'm sure he is dealing with clipper burn and alot of other issues as well.  Keep an eye on him because if he is shaking his hed alot and scratching them he could rupture blood vessels and end up with big problems.  As far as the anal glands go, yes I'm sure they need to be expressed but if they didn't do them I'm sure it's because your little man had been thru to much all ready.  Follow up at the groomers in 8 weeks even if you don't think he needs it, they can take care of anal glands and all of the stuff when they need to.

Good Luck