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skin discoloration

20 10:32:00

I have had my little white teacup poodle for 2 wks. I noticed her pink skin on belly getting a purple color...This has extended to her neck area and her bottom has changed to a charcoal black...Is this normal???...She does not act any differently.I am getting quite anxious as I have never had a light colored poodle before? Her skin was so pink at ll wks old... Thanks , Judy

Hello Judy,
There is nothing wrong with your dog.  As a dog ages, their skin starts to darken some.  It has to do with their genetics for the most part.  It typically happens in dogs with one light-colored parent and a dark-colored parent.  Sun exposure can also change the skin color in light colored dogs.  It shouldn't affect her hair color.  

What you should watch out for, is the staining around her eyes, in-between the feet and toes and around her pelvic area.  These areas can turn reddish/brown when she licks or chews them because her saliva mixes with chemicals in her hair and dyes her hair.  A dog may chew or lick themselves due to skin irritation or itching, and that can be caused by fleas, reactions to medications, allergies, or exposure to new or strange chemicals (such as lawns that have been sprayed with pesticides or new cleaning supplies that you use in your home).  

Also know that it is common for small dogs eyes to run and that will make tear marks on their faces.  To help with this you can have your Groomer shave her face close and then apply Vaseline right under the eye.  That way, the tears will drop off the face, and not collect under the eye.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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