Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > tumors


20 10:21:43

I have a 11 yr old toy poodle that on his back leg had a boil like looking growth.  So i had it removed and it came back within 4 months.  So they removed it and little more of the muscle on the back of the leg.  Now.. the whole leg is engulfed with these masses and they are spread on his abd and he has small ones on his back.  the ones on his back are very tiny and dont look like the ones on his back leg or stomach.  I paid the vet to biopsy what these things are and some how it was not done.  do you have any idea what these could be?   The ones on his back legs are large and red.  The ones on the stomach are red and appear flat in nature.

Hello Kay,
All I can really say is that Poodles tend to get growths of those sort on them as they age.  Some get hard and knobby tumors, others are larger and fluid filled.  Some are smooth yet hard and others are small, flat and soft.  I don't know what causes them and I don't know how to get rid of them, as you said if you cut them off they just come back.  You can have them frozen by your Vet and this sometimes stops them from growing for a time, but they eventually start growing again.  

Some people think it is a heiredity thing causing the bumps, and it very well could be.  

I hope this answers your question and if you have others for me, please ask.

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