Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > sick toy poodle

sick toy poodle

20 10:20:22

QUESTION: My dog is a7 pound, male,toy poodle and had been vomiting, diarrea,and bleeding from his little butt, and i took him to the animal hospital and they told me he had colitis and that was causing the bleeding,vomiting,and diarrea.The hospital put him on antibiotics & fluids cause he was dehydrated of all the days he had not been eating. He lost alot of weight and has no strength. Is there any vitamins we can give him besides his food so he can start getting his weight back and his strength?Please help hes not the energetic puppy we had and he looks so skinny and fragile.We just want him to get back to how he was.Thank You

ANSWER: Colitis is a serious problem.  It is good that you took him to the hospital and they recognized the problem and treated it properly.  Our friend wasn't so lucky.  The local vet let her dog almost waste away before she went elsewhere and had the problem treated.  The dog was about 7-8 then, but made a full recovery and lived to be 15.  

I think all your dog needs now is his regular food and time to be back to full health.  Just feed a little heavier until he reaches good body condition.  See  Extra food will mean extra vitamins since dog foods have all the vitamins a dog needs.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He eats really little and the little that he eats he still vomiting it,no more bleeding or diarrea. He was in the hospital 1 day & 2 days with a regular vet. I thought he would be good by now but i dont see much improvement. Do you think something else can be wrong with him or I just need to give him time. He still lays most of the day and doesnt run or do anything & i still see him really weak.The fact that he cant keep any food in his tummy is what worries me almost 1 week & he still cant digest it. I've been to 2 places & was expecting to see him better, so i dont know what to do anymore.

I would get back with the vet.  Once the colitis is cleared up, I would think he would settle down and be stable even if eating lightly.  Since it can have several causes, it can be difficult to treat.  I think th ehospital may need to try a different treatment.