Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > my sick poodle

my sick poodle

20 10:34:00

i just got my poodle 5 days ago she was born in november today she has been laying around not moving much she pooped earlier and it was redish brown and runny please help im worried she has an appt in the morning

Hello Corina,
I wouldn't be able to diagnose your pet without more information and without seeing her.  If you have an appointment, take your Poodle to the Vet to see what is wrong with her.  
It could be just an upset stomach or something worse.  I would probably be able to help you more with more information, but a Vet will be more apt to help with your Pet.  

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, Thank You for using and if you have other questions in the future, please ask.