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aggresion towards puppy/ peeing on my bed

20 10:23:44

I recently acquired a 1.5 yr old male miniature poodle. He seems a bit skittish around men at times. He plays very well with my maltipoo that is about 1year male as well. The new dog(the older one) was just neutered and the maltipoo is also neutered. No problems so far...This last week a shih tzu puppy(11 weeks)male, became part of our family. All three dogs play like crazy. Today though, I heard all this horrible noise and rushed to find my Miniature poodle mouthing and biting at the shih tzu stomach very aggressively. There was no food near by and this was much more violent than dog play. What to do? Also the miniature has decided to get on my bed and wet it. I know he's unhappy. Should I get rid of the puppy? Get rid of the mini poodle since he's new and I don't know his history and he's skidish? I adore all three dogs and this is so hard to decide but I don't feel its safe to leave them alone.

Hello Brian,
It sounds to me like your Poodle is trying to dominate the little Shih-Tzu puppy but maybe taking it a bit far.  Although your dogs will need to estabolish their dominance ranking within their group, they need to understand that you are the ultimate boss, and you need to know that also.  You first need to see why they are fighting.  Observe if the Shih-tzu puppy is doing anything to tease the Poodle.  Is puppy pulling on Poodles ears or biting his tail, something that would cause the Poodle to go after him like that?  If the puppy is causing it, you can allow the Poodle to "correct" the puppy by getting him down and making him submit (which is their natural reaction when correcting another dog), but that is all.  If you see further aggression like snapping or serious biting, then you need to step in.  Be sure to correct the puppy if he is doing anything to cause the Poodle to go after him.

If you do end up needing to intervene you need to say "NO!" in a loud, deep voice (make it sound like a growl) and step firmly up to the dogs.  If the poodle has a collar on, take it and lay him on the ground on his side with his head down.  Make him lay there until he submits to you and lays still, also stare him in the face and make him look away.  This will let him know that YOU are the boss of the situation and that you will give out the corrections, not him.  
If he gives you any problems, do what you need to do to make sure he understands that he needs to submit to you (if he is growling at you or acting like he is going to bite you, you need to let him know that this won't affect you).  Wear gloves or put a muzzle on him, or let him bite you without reacting.  

I am not saying that he will try to bite you or get aggressive with you, but he does seem to have a more dominate nature so I just want you to be prepaired in case he would act like this.

As for the peeing on the bed, its probably related to a number of things.  You brought a new puppy into "his" house and are spending time with it (which takes away some of the time you spent with him), and you get on to him when he gets rough with the puppy which can cause jealousy like he is showing.  You can help this by making sure to spend one-on-one time with just him and you (maybe walking him by himself, or putting the others up and throwing the toy for him) and by putting him first when you feed the dogs, pet them, give them a treat or give them attention.  By doing this, you show the other dogs that you see him as Boss over them and he won't feel as jealous of them.  The peeing should stop once your Poodle realizes that you are boss.  If you need to, keep him off the bed for about a week or so, just to reenerate the fact that you are his boss and you can decide if he comes on the bed or not.  Also, if possible, shut the bedroom off to him so he can't go in and pee there.  

I know this is alot to take in but it should help with his issues.  Also, since you just got this puppy, the "newness factor" hasn't worn off yet.  Before long, everyone will be great friends (having estabolished their bounderies) and there shouldn't be but the occasional scuffle that you have in every family.  
Please feel free to write back to me if you have other questions/comments/concerns about this, or other questions in general.  
Thanks for using,