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Standard Poodle anxiety

20 10:22:11

Hi,  I have a 9 year old standard poodle.  She has always
been "delicate" not liking yelling or any kind of chaotic
situations around her.  She can't be yelled at, or she
cowers, so we don't yell at her, ever.  lately she's been
going off on her own, and been reluctant to come back when
called.  other times of the day she's playful and happy, and
is eating normally.  she is just less social that normal and
often goes off by herself.  Any ideas?  We are getting

Hello Diane,
This is not a safe situation for your dog.  She could wander where she isn't suppose to and get hurt or worse.  What you might try is using the word "Treats" or "Cookies" (start off in the house) and have her come to you, then give her a really good treat.  When she will start looking for the treat when you say the "magic" word, then start using the word when she is in one room and you are in the other.  Repete it and make it fun, like you are hiding and she is suppose to find you.  When she finds you, give her a really good treat such as a piece of chicken or hotdog, something she wouldn't normally get.  You want her to drop everything and come running to you.  Praise her, Pet her and give her the treat when she comes to you.  
Once she knows to come to the treat, if she ever doesn't come to you when you say the magic word, You go to her, bring her back to where you called her from, and she gets no treat.  She has to learn that when she hears the word that she drops everything and comes to you to get the treat.  If she doesn't come, you still go get her and she gets no treat.  
Soon she will learn that she must come if she wants the food.  

When she is really good at coming inside for the magic word, you can start to use it outside.  

Use a long leash at first when you take her outside.  Like a 20ft cord or rope.  Let her run around on the leash, then say her magic word and tug on the rope to make her come running.  Praise her when she does what you want.  

Give it a try and if you have any other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,