Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Std Poodle Puppy Hair does it change?

Std Poodle Puppy Hair does it change?

20 10:27:20

My year old STD poodle has very soft, curly hair.  Someone with an 3yo poodle said that was puppy hair and that it would change and become rough and coarse.  My groomer doesn't know.  Can you help?

Hello Lisa,
Since your dog is one year old now, you should start seeing the coat start to change any time.  Watch under the arms and around the groin area as this is where the hair will start to mat.  As you brush, you should notice that the hair at the skin will be more course.  
Since the adult hair grows up and into the puppy hair, large mats will form if you don't stay on top of brushing.  You might want to use conditioner when you bathe your dog to help with matting as well.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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