Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > aging miniature poodle

aging miniature poodle

20 10:26:36

QUESTION: I have a 19 year old poodle (yes 19) and for the past 3 years he has declined to the point where he his vision and hearing are impaired and his house training abilities are long gone. He gets confused and lost in the house but yet he knows where his food and water bowls are and also the time of day for his feeding and treat time. He paces in circular patterns when awake. He does sleep quite well during the day and all through the night. I have had him on holistic vet care for the past 4 years and the only med he is on is 12mg/day Lasix and 1/2 2.5mg/day enalapril. He is on quite a few supplements and I recently started him on SamE which has seemed to calm him a bit and helped his arthritis. My vet says he is one strong OLD dog and continues to treat him holistically. My question is am I in denial and is he not a happy content dog. I do not see or hear any indications that he is in any pain. His appetite is as good as ever sometimes better. He's not the pet I have enjoyed for most of his life and I do get aggravated with his condition but I really can't find the nerve to end his life even though mine is changed a lot because of him. If you have any insight into this problem of his or MINE, I sure would appreciate anything you may offer.

ANSWER: Hello Nick,
You are not alone in your dog issues as they pertain to an elderly dog.  They sometimes have problems that are difficult to deal with and they try our patience sometimes.  
There are things that you can do to help though.  For sleeping problems, you might try a 1/2 Benedryl at night.  It will help with sleeping and if he has any skin itching, it may help that also.  

For his housetraining problems, you might try Belly Bands for dogs.  It is a wrap that goes around the boys stomach to help catch dribbles that older males sometimes have problems with.  You can find them at:

To help with his arthritis, you need to get him an orthopedic bed to sleep on.  It will help his joints and muscles, and just make him sleep better.  

When you are in the house and need to get his attention, try using a Flashlight, or stomp the floor.  When you get his attention, give him a treat.  Then when you want his attention, flash the light or stomp and he should look for you to get the treat.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions please feel free to ask me.  

Thanks for using,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Kim,

You were so helpful the last time, I want to get your advice again. My Moosey has been hanging in there pretty much but getting more anxious at night and disoriented. Lately, I have noticed that one of the two fatty tumors he has on his belly has gotten larger and is now draining a pinkish fluid that is quite odorous. He has had this tumor for a few years and this is the first time that it has leaked. The other on is stable and is overgrown with hair. My vet in the past has said to leave it alone. I haven't visited her yet or called because I fear this may be serious. Am I correct to be concerned?

Thanks again for your help,


Hello again Nick and Moosey,
Yes and No that you are to be concerned.  No, because he has had this for along time, but yes because now that its open, its prone to infection.  You can apply cotton pads to it and try to squeeze some of the fluid off of it if you feel comfortable doing this.  You can also apply triple antibotic to it to help keep the chance of infection down.  
**If it looks like it is getting red or starts draining a thick yellowish liquid/mucus, then you might want to call your Vet.

If you are comfortable taking your dogs temperature, you might do that.  Its best to use a digital thermometer and slowly insert it until you feel resistance.  A dogs normal temp is around 101.5  If it gets higher, you need to contact your Vet.  

I hope this helps Moosey and if you have other questions, please ask.

Thanks again for using,