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Straight hair patch on my toy poodle.

20 10:26:08

Recently our poodle developed a large bald patch on the back of her neck. The vet said she could see no medical reason, for a while we were at a loss as to the reason and put it down to stress as she had had an accident and been knocked out about two weeks earlier. However the patch continued to grow and one morning we found her sleeping by the door stop instead of in her bed. We concluded that the hair was getting caught and being pulled out. We covered the door stop and her fur has now grown back ...but straight, coarse and dark! so now she is two quiet different colors and textures. Can anything be done. She is not a show dog, just a much loved pet, but it does look very strange and i would prefer to have her with the same coat all over.
Many Thanks

Hello Karen,
The reason that your dogs hair grew back like that is because when a dog gets an injury or damages the hair follicle, when the hair grows back, it will grow back in as if the dog was a puppy.  The hair grows in just like it would on a newborn puppy which is soft and straight, and usually a darker color than the dog currently is.  The spot will gradually change color, but it will take as long as the dog did to turn the color she is now.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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