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7 l/2 yr. old poodle

20 10:40:58

She keeps getting tummy upsets much too frequently.  We have tried her on a very bland diet that the vet recommended years ago, and she just throws it up.  Her diet consists of adult science diet dry dog food and for treats she gets white rice with some chicken.  I have been told pepto bismo helps, but my question is why does she have so much problem with her tummy, and what can we do to prevent this?  Also when she gets this gassy tummy she heads for her favorite green grass pasture and eats some grass which she passes and it seems to relieve her until next time.  The Vet says the grass eating is a habit.  I would like your opinion.  Thanks

I am a poodle breeder and not a vet.  This is a question you need to direct to your vet.  I would have some xrays taken of her stomach as she could have either an ulcer or perhaps with her age she has a tumor.  If your vet keeps dismissing you then i would recomend finding another vet or perhaps even a specialist.  But I would get her in ASAP and have some tests run.