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Bumps on body(scratching all the time)

20 10:35:50

My minature poodle (Andy) 12 yrs.old, has bumps all on his body. There are single bumps (cyst like) &  several  of them together. He scratching and "bites" on them. Also he has them on his feet.He has allergies and I give him benadril twice a day.Sometimes other areas look imflamed. I guess my question is:are these bump like cyst something I need to have the vet check? I was told they were due to his age....???????? Thank you in advance for your advise.

It could be cysts and moles that happen to poodles in old age, however he shouldnt be scratching and bitting at them.  I would take him to the vet.  I would have one biopsied to get to make sure it isnt cancer.  The vet may also be able to tell you if its a skin condition of a genetic kind with that biopsy.  He should be able to give you something to sooth it.  You can also bath him in medicated shampoos.  Ones with oatmeal in it will help a lot with the itching.