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5 month old toy poodle with blood shot eyes[-]=\\\\\\g

20 10:24:00


We have a 5 month old toy poodle. We got him about a month ago. He seems to be healthy. very tiny, but healthy. Both of his eyes are blood shot. I would say more than blood shot. the veins look huge. the eyes don't really look irriated, other than these large blood vessels. the left eye, in the pic, has the biggest ones. the right eye has more, but not as big. just wondering if we need to be concerned. I know that a vet is always the safest and best route to take, but as we all know they are expensive. I may take him anyway, but just trying to get some info. THANKS!!

Hello Haley,
Your dogs eyes look normal to me from the picture you sent.  A dogs eyes have lots of large blood vessels in them to move blood around the eye and thats probably what you are seeing.  If the whole eye turns red though, it could be due to an irritation, either by something on the inside of the eye (such as an infection or injury to the eye), something external that is bothering the eye (debris or hair getting into the eye) or it could even be allergies that are affecting the eye.  

You can put lubercating eye drops in the dogs eye to help moisturize the eye, such as Visine Lubercating eye drops and see if that helps.  
If its allergies, you can give your dog 1/2 of a benedryl tablet to help.  

Also, being as he is a young dog still, it could be that he just got something in his eye from playing or getting into things (like puppies do) and he will be ok in a few days.  

If you want to take your dog to the Vet just to be sure, thats fine, but I think your dog will be ok for now.  

If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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