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Poodle with catarachts

20 10:38:24

We have a toy poodle in the house and he has been and still is a lifetime companion.  We also have a toy rat terrier and these two get together its amazing.  Question, with the blinding increasing, is there anything we can be doing to help him around the house.  I am on disability and so I am home every day and pretty much a shut-in so anything needed could probably be accomplished.  I'm sure I could find a hospital or vet office charging around 1K to 1.5k, but we don't have it.  Anything you are aware of that can be done, including just helping him throughout the day getting around.  He is not totally blind, he can see around the cataracts so he has to kind of turn his head to the side to see things.

Other than costly surgery there isnt much that can be done.  As far as helping him around the house make sure that you leave things just as they are.  The more you move furniture and items like that around the more he will bump into it because he isnt used to where things are.  So staying pretty much the same with the items in the house is what you want to do.  As he becomes more blind he will remember where stuff is and be able to negotiate the house to his best abilities.