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9 year old toy poodle

20 10:20:59

we adopted a 9 year old toy poodle and adore her. I have not had a poodle in the past. A day or so after her bath, she has an odor and I am using baby wipes and dry shampoo to combat it but I wonder if there is something I am not doing. Also sometimes she throws up at night. Not everynight but enough I wanted to research why. She was check by the shelter and give a clean bill of health. Thank you for any help you can provide. she does have anxity if she is not with one of us for any period of time. She is getting better with that.

Hello Tana,
Congrats on your newest member of your family.  
Both the odor she is giving off and her vomiting could very well be contributed to the stress of her coming to live with you, and not being comfortable with her new surroundings yet.  It wouldn't be anything that you are or are not doing, just the fact that everything is so new right now.  

To help with the odor, you might try giving her a bath with a combination of Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Dish Soap.  Its a Cup of Hydrogen Peroxide (you can water it down with a 1/2 cup of water if preferred#, a Teaspoon of Baking Soda and enough Dish Soap to suds your dog up, (for a small dog, its around 2-3 teaspoons).  When mixing it up, its better to stir it up rather than shaking it, and only make as much as you will need then throw the rest out.  If left in a closed bottle, it will blow the top off the bottle.  
You may want to watch how often you bathe her as frequent bathing can cause dry and itchy skin.  Once a month is fine, unless she gets really dirty or happens to roll in something foul, in which case you can go ahead and give her another bath.  Also, be sure to use a good conditioner to help moisturize her hair.   

The throwing up can be caused by stress, so if you notice her becoming stressed out in the evenings, or if you happen to do something that upsets her, this could be why she is throwing up.  You can give her 1-2 cc's of Pepto Bismol #cc's should be marked on a standard syringe) to help soothe her stomach.  If she is throwing up alot, you can try giving her some plain Boiled Brown Rice and some Boiled Chicken.  This is easier on her stomach and should help to settle it.  If she continues throwing up, you may consider switching her food to a Lamb and Rice product.  Lamb and Rice is easier on a dogs digestive system and may help with an upset tummy.  

Give this a try and if you have other questions or concerns for me, please feel free to ask.

I hope everything works out with your new girl and I'll bet that if you give her a little more time, she will settle into your routine and will become a wonderful little companion.

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