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Bad cut lead to scabs

20 10:22:20

i got my toy poodle cut and the groomer was less then a pro. but when i got home is when i found that she shaved him so close that it actually caused scabs to grow around his throat and cheeks. Now he doesn't want to eat!! i know the soars are clean cause i keep them that way and he is in pain but other then the not wanting to eat he just doesn't want to leave my bed?!

Hello Krista,
Sorry to hear about what happened to your dog.  Sadly some groomers are far from pro.  
Your dog may still be a bit tramuatized by what happened and just wants your reassurance that everything is ok.  Let him know that its alright, but don't overdo it.  You don't want him thinking that something is really wrong with him.  
You might try putting some benedryl cream on his scabs and maybe some chicken broth or cottage cheese in his food for a couple of days to help him feel better also.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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