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8 yr old poodle

20 10:28:38

My sister gave her 8 yr. old min. poodle to me a couple of months ago since I am more willing/ able to care for her properly. Even though we live in the country, GiGi was fairly sedentary (barring the odd squirrel chase) and was starting to put on the middle age pounds. When she weighed in at 24.9 lbs. at the start of this year, I became committed to getting her down to 20 lbs. For 6 weeks now, we've been walking the fields and dirt roads for 30-40 minutes each day and I reduced her food (currently feeding Iambs weight management) to 3/4 cup in the morning and 1/4 cup in the evening. I started to see progress as she doesn't look so bullet shaped. While she still has "back fat", I can feel more of her body structure than I could before. She seems to be more sprightly and fit than before... so here is my problem. I took her to the vet for a weigh in and hoped to see at least a 1 lb. weight loss but, I swear, GiGi has gained 6 ozs. I absolutely couldn't believe it! How can a dog that went from no regular exercise to 30-40 minutes a day and who is eating much more healthily actually gain 6 oz? ARGH!!! What is going on here? She is otherwise healthy and sound. What do you think? Suggest?

I don't know.  I have heard of people working out and gaining weight because muscle is denser than fat.  Perhaps concentrate on body condition and not weight,

I am glad you gave her a home and recognize the importance of weight management.  continue the good care and you could have her for many years.