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Rashes on Skin

20 10:19:07

Hi,  my poodle 4years old recently having skin rashes all over her body.  When dries up the skin will flakes like dandruff.  Already saw the vet 3 weeks ago but it still prolong.  Vet give her the antibiotic for 11 days.  In the meantime what r this rashes about and to permanently cure it.  I dont wan her to eat antibiotic again at this short period.  Hope to get yr reply.

Hello Dorine,
Sounds like the rashes could be Hot Spots.  They appear when the dog has a reaction of some kind on the skin.  They can be due to allergies, medication, yeast infection, bacterial infection, heat rash, and anything in-between.  You can try treating them with antibacterial cream, allergy cream (such as benedryl cream) as long as the dog can't reach it to lick it off, benedryl tablets or zyrtec tabs, or you may need another round of antibiotics.  
Not treating these can lead to worse infections or sores, so you need to try one of these treatments to get her better.  
When using the allergy medications, you need to let them work at least one week to get the medicine in her system.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me about this, or need other suggestions, or other Poodle questions in general, please feel free to ask me.

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