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im worried

20 10:26:27

my 8 yr old toy poodle has had mild seizures on n off for the past couple yrs. the first time we took him to the vet n was told there wasnt nething to do but hold n comfort him during the seizure. this morning all the sudden he sat up n was starring at the floor n wouldnt move. i called out his name but no response. then he started looking around as if scared of something. he kept licking his lips but wouldnt drink. he is that way now n its been hours. he just wants to be held or sleep. he appears lost. blank stare. what can this be?

Hello Tammy,
It sounds like it was a mild form of the seizure, but I haven't seen one like that go on for hours like your dog did.  
It is true that there is not much you can do when your dog is having seizures, unless they are very frequent.  The treatment is said to be worse than the seizures.  
If he is still like this today, you may need to call your Vet and see what they can do.

If he has any other seizures or episodes like this before you see your Vet, record it so you can show the Vet just what your dog is doing and how long they last.  
When my dog has a seizure, I sit with him and talk him through it.  You might try this and also I find that saying a little prayer over your dog helps also.
I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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