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milk produucion

20 10:32:26

my poodle just gave birth to three puppies they all look to
be in in good condition .....just few hours after they were born I took them to the vet he told me that the mother (LUNA)is not producing to much milk and suggest me to hand feed them with goat milk ...I try to do it but is very difficult they kind to reject my there any supplement or special food that I can feed the mother with and help her to produce more milk?....I ll thank you  for your help

Hello Marcelo,
Goats milk works good for feeding puppies with, but you can also use formula to feed the puppies with.  "Just Born" makes a good formula that comes in either powder or liquid form.  I like it because it has Vitamins and Minerals for proper puppy growth. Contact your local Pet Store, Feed Supply Store, or your Vet's Office (probably more expensive)
I like to use a regular baby bottle with a soft nipple to feed the babies with.  You sometimes have to make several attempts before they will suckle, but after a little trying, they usually go ahead and take the bottle.  Warm the forumla up to just slightly above comfortablally warm.  
The mothers body tempature is warmer than our body temp so her milk is usually pretty warm, but not hot.  
If a puppy just will not take the bottle, place that puppy on a nipple and suckle another one that will use the bottle.  

For mother, I am not certian of anything you can feed her that will help her milk come in quickly (the more the babies nurse, the more milk she will produce) but you can feed her a high quality puppy food for now.  You can also give her a good quality canned food and also mix up some of the puppy formula and give that to her.  Some breeders (including us) give the mother Cottage Cheese on her food to help her also.  

Congradulations on your 3 new babies and I hope I have answered your question for you.  If you have other questions about this or Poodles in general, please feel free to ask.

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