Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > STANDARD POODLE TAIL INFECTION


20 10:33:05

My Standard Poodle Charlie has had an issue withhis tail recently.  It was very swollen and hard a few days ago.  Than it seemed to subside.  Today we noticed there is a sore under the tail and it is secreting a slighly red pus.  He seems to be bothered by it as he runs frantically though the house on occasion.  Of course he is trying to lick it so we put neosporin on it with a bandage. It seems through after a few hours.  Could this be an anal gland issue?  He is OK otherwise maybe a little quieter but does not seem to have a fever and is eating the same.  Thank you.

Hello Helen,
You didn't say exactly where the sore is located.  If its on either side of the anus, then it is most likely an infection of the Anal Glands.  Your Groomer or Vet should be able to express these glands and the infection should subside.  If the sore is under the tail or around the base of the tail but not on the anus itself, then it could be any kind of infection.  Charlie could have gotten a bite from something, could have sat on something that punctured the skin, or had an itch and started biting at it, which produced the infection you see now.  

I would continue putting the neosporin on it with a loose bandage and see if it gets better.  You might also see if you can squeeze some of the pus and blood out of the sore (sorry Charlie, but it will be better out than in) if he will let you.  
If you notice any more swelling, heat or Charlie stops eating, take him to the Vet.  He may need to be started on antibiotics.  

I hope this helps some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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