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Help! Im not sure what this is! Is it hotspots?

20 10:19:26

Hi Kim! I am so concerned with what I am finding on my toy Phantom Poodle. There is a huge spot on her ear that seems bald, and had a crusty brown appearance. It is scaly too. I took her to the Vet, and she said they were hotspots, and sent us home with PhytoVet medicated wipes to treat her daily on her spot. I have done so for 2 weeks now, and it seems to have spread and gotten worse! and she is missing a small plug of hair, and looks white, sort of like an open wound. She is an adorable puppy, but these look so horrible on her beautiful coat! She is on IAMS brand puppy food, and I give her bottled water to drink in her bowl. I also give her a Milk Bone treat every now and then for training purposes. She only goes outside for a few minutes to relieve herself, other than that, she is mainly an indoor dog. Will these ever heal? Will she have permanent hair loss spots?  How do I prevent the spread of more of these spots? I appreciate any and all help. Thank you!

P.S. What type of oil do you recommend to drizzle over her food for her coat, Olive Oil? Thanks again :)

Hello Lorena,
You didn't say what shape the spot is in, but it sounds like it could be Ringworm to me.  You might check with another Vet and get this taken care of.  Ringworm isn't a worm, but rather a fungal infection.  It can spread and is contagious to people as well.  Now, I can't see her marks, so I can't say for sure, but given your description I would say Ringworm.  Hotspots can be more widespread and tend to be in areas where the dog can reach and lick or chew them.  

If it was a hotspot, it could be caused by anything such as food, grass, cleaning supplys, or any other allergen.  If its a ringworm fungus, those can be spread from dog to dog or from an object that is contaminated by the fungus.  Hotspots tend to be very itchy, while ringworm is not so itchy.  
If your dog had hotspots, the spot should have gone away.  With Ringworm, it can go away on its own or you can use shampoos, for more severe cases they will prescribe oral medications.  Shaving the area can be beneficial.  If you need pictures, type "Canine Ringworm Pictures" into your search engine.  

As for adding oil to help her coat, use sardines in Olive Oil.  She can benefit from the Olive oil as well as the fish oil, which contains the Omega 3 fatty acids.  You can either give her one or two a day as a treat or put them in her food.  

I hope this has helped you some.  If you have other questions for me about this, or other Poodle questions in general, please feel free to ask.

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