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standard poodle eye color

20 10:36:58

Winny, had to be groomed very very very short because after being on the street her coat was matted and full of weeds.
before she was groomed it seemed her "top" coat was brown.
but her coat is black being this length.  could that have something to do with the eye color?  and thank you so much for this info.  
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i just rescued a female black standard poodle.  her eyes are copper colored not dark brown but almost a topaz.  is this a fault.  i dont care if she has papers.  i have just never seen a poodle with this color eyes.  thank you so much.
also she is petite right now she only weighs 43lbs but she was on the street for awhile.  had to shave her all the way down.
i am used to toy poodles.  i have had two.  one apricot and one white.  so standards are new to me.  i just love poodles.  i will go buy a book tomorrow for standards.
Yes that is a fault only browns and silver beiges, and cafe au laits should have amber colored eyes.
It probably means that their is an albino gene somewhere in her background.  It doesnt happen often in poodles manifesting in wolf colored eyes or blue or green eyes.  It could also mean that she is not a purebred too.

No.  She is still a dark not a brown.  She could be a blue.  Most people think they are blacks.  However blacks that have been out in the sun will sun bleach horribly as do a few other colors and the ends of the hair end up looking brown.  This is why show people do not let their dogs stay outside in the sun other than to potty quickly and come back in.