Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > garlic


20 10:41:37

I always thought garlic was good for dogs (for keeping flees at bay)--now I read that garlic can be toxic just like onions and chocolate. What's the truth?

Garlic, in small quantities, is fine for your dog.  It does not have a cumulative effect as does chocolate.  For example, if your dog gets into chocolate and eats a chocolate bar once, it isn't a terrible thing.....but the next time or the next time, it might be, because it has a cumulative effect....sooner or later enough chocolate effect builds up in his/her system to cause major problems, even death.  Garlic is NOT like that. While giving your dog large doses of it could be harmful - even fatal....a small dose is not a problem and the garlic will dissapate from the body.  The next time you give him/her garlic, the small dose is fine.  It is not a 2+2+2 effect as is chocolate.  I hope this makes sense.  As long as you don't give a large dose of garlic, your dog should be okay.