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Doggies paw

20 10:37:06

I have a 10 going on 11yr old Toy poodle. A few days go i noticed his front right paw nails are all on one side, and one nail is like if it is withering away, theres hardly any of his nail left. He lets you touch his paw and he walks and runs about on it with no pain that i can see he is in. He is eating and drinking as normal, so i was wondering if you have come across this at anytime. most grateful if you would get back to me. Thank you, Mr Thomas.

I have never seen nor heard of anything like that before.  The only time I have seen problems with nails is either they are not cut enough and curl up into the pad of the foot or that they have been ripped off from getting caught in the carpet or on a fense or something of that nature.  Sounds to me like your dog is missing some vitamin D or Calcium in the diet.  However you would have to take the dog to the vet to have a blood panel done to check on that.  Would be a good idea and you can rule out something like diabetes being behind it or thyroid problems.