Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > 5 yr old standard

5 yr old standard

20 10:28:09

We have recently adopted a 5 year old Standard poodle. A former Champion , then used for breeding. She came to us as the breeder wanted a good home for her. Our problems , are,we were told not to have her around other dogs as she is very possessive, I have tried her with other dogs, she is aggressive to start,  I walk them together . this works well, but , I can't seem to let her off her leash , as I don't trust her quick reaction, once off. She really seems to be anti-social. She is an excellent dog at home with the family,loves children , etc. The other problem is travelling in the car. She loves to get in the car, but once it is moving , It's like she is going to hyperventilate! And she goes crazy barking at dogs she sees on the street from the car! Help! I love her to pieces, and she is so worth the work....

Hello Tracy,
What you need to do is teach her submissive training.  When she gets around another dog, instead of letting her get to that possessive stage make her submit to the other dog (do make sure that the other dog isn't overly dominate).  To make her submit, you lay her on the ground with her head on the floor.  Make her stay down until YOU tell her to get up.  
Once she learns that she has to submit to you (because you are the one making her submit to you) then she will learn not to be so dominate around other dogs.  For this to work though she needs to see that you are BOSS.  
When you take her around other dogs and she gets aggressive, make her submit, let the other dog sniff her (without her getting up) then let her up and see how she reacts.  If she is good, praise her.  If she gets aggressive, put her in the submissive position again until she will get up and not show dominance over the other dog.  

Another thing that will help her some is Obedience training in a Group setting.  That way, she will get expirence working around other dogs and people and will learn that she doesn't have to Boss everyone around to have fun.  Plus, she may learn some new manners.  

As to riding in the car, you might try putting her in a plastic crate (the kind that she can't see out of) to see if this helps her some.  If she can't see what is around her, maybe she won't bark at it, Plus, its more safe for her if she is contained, rather than her running around loose.  

If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.  

Thanks for using,