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weak hind legs

20 10:29:52

My lovely 15 year old Male miniature poodle lately has been having problems with his hind legs Sometimes they just give out on him and he looses control. He is missing steps when he walks up them and He also won't jump up on a high bed any longer. He would sleep there all the time.
Some time he will cry if picked up incorrectly. We are trying to figure this out. He weighs 20 lbs and is taller than a standard miniature. totally pure breed too.

Hello Elyse,
By what you described, and pending on there not being anything major wrong with your dog, I would say that he sounds like he has some arthritis in his legs.
Older dogs commonly get arthritis in their joints that can cause stiffness, moving slower, and sometimes pain when they move.  

You can help by giving a baby aspirin every day, by providing an orthopedic bed for your dog to lay on that will help support his joints, and by giving him supplements that include Glucosamine, Chondrotin, and MSM; all of which will help dogs lubricate and rebuild joints.  

To be on the safe side, you might schedule a Vet appointment and have your Vet do some Blood work to make sure everthing is normal for your dog.  15 yrs is a long life for a Miniature Poodle and you want to be sure that everything is working the way it should be.  

I hope this helps you and your boy some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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