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Toy Poodle with Brown spots on skin

20 10:20:24

I have a female toy poodle that is 3yrs old. In the past 2 days I have noticed some dark spots on her back. I bathed her and her skin has large brown spots on them now and is no longer pink as it always has been,also she gnawed a sore spot on her back. She just came out of heat about 1 week ago although she has never been bred. I am very very worried about her, she is like a child to me, can you help? Thanks, Keila

Hello Keila,
These spots on her back could be caused by a number of things from genetics, to skin sores, to allergies.  Do you know anything about her  background.  If her parents had spots like this, then it could be that she got them from her parents.  
She could also be allergic to something and whatever she is allergic to could be causing the spots.  If you think it could be allergies, you can give her a 1/2 tablet of Benedryl in the evenings for 2 weeks to see if this helps.  

If it is due to skin spots, this
could be from things like sun damage or from parasites like Fleas or Ticks.  You should have her on a flea and tick preventive such as Frontline plus or Advantix.  Even if you don't see fleas, this doesn't necessairly mean that she doesn't have them.  Look closley around the base of her tail or around the insides of her legs.  
If her hair is short, you might put sunscreen on the places that are lighter pink.  These spots can burn and then will turn a scabby color, and may even peel after a while.  

When you bathe her, use an oatmeal shampoo, beause it will be more gentle on her skin, and use a conditioner that contains proteins in it to help moisturize the hair.  

This is about all I can tell you without seeing a pic of your dog.  If you get concerned, you might want to phone your Vet, just for some reassurance.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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