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recessive gene breeding

20 10:34:03

I am looking at buying a standard poodle that was accidently bred by 2 poodles that are both recessive gene colors.  One apricot and the other silver.  The puppy I am considering is an apricot male.  Are there any health problems I need to be conderned about?  I am not planning on breeding my puppy.  Thank you

Hello Barbara,
When buying any Puppy, you should always find out what health problems exist in the parents backgrounds first.  Talk to the owners of the parents and find out if their dogs have had any conditions that could be passed down to the puppies.  Talk to their Vet(s) to see if the dogs have had any health concerns that you need to know about. Also, ask the owners if they have their dogs Health Records for you to look at, or even to obtain a copy of to give to your Vet to read.
You should find out if the parents are related since this was an accidental breeding.  If the parents are related and they have health problems, it would give the puppies a very high chance to have the same health problems.

There are several things to look for in Standard Poodles that can be hereditary that you should look for. This website will tell you some common diseases in Standard Poodles and what to look for with these diseases.

If you are concerned at all about your dogs background, make sure to find out if the breeder has a Health Guarantee/Return policy in case your dog would become sick.  Most breeders will give a Health Guarantee of about 6 months to a year.  Take your puppy to your Vet to get them checked out to make sure there is nothing wrong with him.  Even if the breeder is responsible, if she doesn't know the background of her dogs there could be problems even she doesn't know about that could crop up later.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.  

Thanks for using and good luck with your new "Son",